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designing a public building-1124

underground house-934

refurbished city theatre-612



landlady 房东太太

landlord 房东
rent/ rental price 租金,房租价格 (注意rental一般是指一个月的租金额)
dollar/ $美元
pounds/ £英镑(为了避免拼写错误,建议大家在考试中货币一律用符号表示,注意写法哦)
deposit 押金
expensive 昂贵的
reasonable 合理的


accommodation 住宿,食宿
homestay 住在当地居民家中
dormitory 大学宿舍
flat (英国)公寓中的单元
apartment (美国)公寓中的单元
hostel 青年公寓
student hostel 学生公寓
single room 单人间
share room 共用房间
double room 双人间
twin-bed room 有两张单人床的双人房,就是我们常说的“标准间”
double-bed room 有一张双人床的双人房
bedroom 卧室
bedsit 卧室兼起居室
no privacy 没有私人空间
surroundings (房屋周围)环境
Road / Rd. 路,街道,比较大的路
Street / St. 路,街道,比较小的街
downtown 市中心
suburb 郊区,市郊
rural areas 乡村
(not) near the center / railway station (远离)*近市中心 / 火车站
far from the bus stop 远离汽车站
near the airport *近飞机场
noisy 吵闹


(un)furnished (不)配备家具的
furniture 家具

fitting 装置,家具

suite (一套)家具 (注意读音)

furnish 布置
fit up 装备
decorate 装饰,布置
ornament 装饰,美化
armchair 配齐,装备
bookcase 书架
cupboard 碗橱
bureau 写字台,(卧室内)有抽屉的柜子
bench 长椅
settle 长椅
stool 凳子
deckchair 折叠帆布长椅
high chair 高脚椅
couch 长沙发
settee 中小型沙发
divan 木制软垫长椅
bedstead 床架
hammock 吊床
chest of drawers 五斗橱
sideboard 餐具柜
cabinet 酒柜



I'm Cici, I'm from Shanghai, China. Look around our house, there are many different furniture. I want to know the names of different furniture, could you explain to me? That's all.

Thank you.

Yang Li
谢谢 Cici 的提问。这可是个很实用的问题呀!一方面是不知道家具和汉语对应的英文名称;另一方面是英国人家里特有的、不为中国人所熟悉的家具和家居用品怎么说。好吧我们来一次家具盘点。请我的英国同事 Neil 介绍一下他自己家中的家具和家居用品。Thanks for joining me today, Neil.  

It's a pleasure. My home is a typical house, with a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom

In my living room, I have a fireplace with a marble mantelpiece. There is a large mirror above the fireplace. I have chosen to install a large electric fire in the fireplace, which is the focal point of the room. Arranged around this I have a couple of comfortable sofas, a large coffee table, which I use to dump the bits and pieces of daily life; anything from books,  newspapers, and even, on occasion, my dinner!
“在我的客厅里, 有一个壁炉,壁炉架是大理石的, 上方有一个大镜子。我选择安装了一个电壁炉使之成为客厅的中心点。在壁炉前我摆放了两个舒适的沙发,中间是个大咖啡桌,放零零碎碎的东西,有报纸,书籍,偶尔还有我的晚餐。”

I also have a wide screen TV, a CD player, a digital radio and my two bookcases of course. I enjoy reading books and listening to music. My old-fashioned standard lamp is in the corner.

I have two large bedrooms, one with a double bed, the other with a king-size bed and a bunk bed which my nephews use when they come to visit me with their mum and dad! I was able to furnish both rooms with top quality wood furniture, including beautiful wardrobes with a matching dressing table and night tables.

The style of my kitchen is quite modern, it has a solid wood theme for all the cabinets and work tops. As a contrast all my appliances are stainless steel, such as the refrigerator, the oven, the microwave and the kitchen sink. So are all the smaller gadgets such as my kettle, the coffee maker and the food mixer.

My bathroom is a bit small, so I always describe it as 'compact'.  Nevertheless, it manages to contain all the usual features, including a really nice shower, bath unit, with a matching basin and toilet, all in a modern style.
“我的卫生间有点小, 我称它为“紧凑适用”吧。不过麻雀虽小五脏俱全,卫生间配有一套很好的浴缸加淋浴,还有配套的洗手盆和马桶,整体感觉都是现代风格的。”

Yang Li
好了,听了这些希望你来试试哟,看你能不能把周围的所有家具用英语说出来。还有困难吗?没关系,我已经预料到了。所以我特意编纂了一个全方位的家具名称列表 a list of some of the most commonly-used furniture and household appliances. 可以下载,收藏和随时查阅。再次感谢 Cici 的录音提问。希望大家从中获益。感谢收听,我们下次节目再见!

Furniture and household items 家具和家居物品  

wardrobe (大)衣柜

dressing table 梳妆台,镜台

chest of drawers 五斗柜,衣柜

bedside/ chest table 床头柜

king-size bed 加大双人床

double bed 双人床

single bed 单人床

bunk bed 上下床

sofa bed 沙发床

settee 沙发

armchair 单人沙发,扶手椅               

coat stand 衣帽架

coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌

bookcase 书柜

bookshelf 书架

stool 凳子

table 桌子

cupboard 放置衣服、食品等的橱柜

desk 办公桌,写字台

drinks cabinet 酒柜,饮料柜

filing cabinet 档案柜,公文柜

sideboard 餐具柜

doormat 门垫

dustbin 垃圾箱

dustpan and brush 簸箕和刷子

fuse box 保险丝盒

hot tap 热水龙头

houseplant 盆栽植物

ironing board 烫衣板

lampshade 灯罩

light switch 电灯开关

mop 拖把

ornament 装饰物

Demolish and destroy 都是常用词,似乎都有“毁坏”的意思。但并不是在所有情况下都可以互换使用。那么这两个词都有哪些异同?用法有何区别?节目里有大量例句和详解。

以下仅为其中的四个例句,你能用 demolish 或 destroy 的正确形式完成下列句子吗?答案就在本页面下方。

Did you say you are going to _________ the old building to build a new school?

Constant arguing between them has _________ the marriage.

The kids were so hungry that they simply _________ the turkey.

All hopes of a peaceful settlement were _________ by the shooting incident.
